The Students

Title:  The Students
Artist:  Marian Howard
Medium:  Painting – Watercolor
Location:  Abraham Lincoln Elementary School, 211 South 6th Avenue
Owner:  CUSD303
Donated By: Guy and Elizabeth Bellaver
Map Locator Number:  #11

Story:   On December 18th, 2009, Artist Marian Howard visited Lincoln School to help dedicate her painting “The Students” to the school.  The painting depicts students from Africa working and learning to prepare for and improve their futures.  Mrs. Howard told a story of her inspiration for this painting using the hardships that the students in the painting must overcome in order to acquire a high quality education.  As Mrs. Howard stated in her work of art, “Dreams come true when studying is applied”.

Mrs. Howard’s work of art was donated to Lincoln School by the Bellaver Family, who also helped to dedicate the painting to our school.  Lincoln School’s PTO funded the travel expenses for Mrs. Howard to visit our school and interact with our students during Art class. Lincoln School, and our students, are tremendously grateful to benefit from the generosity of the Bellaver Family and our PTO.  Thank you!

“The Students” was dedicated to Lincoln School on December 18th, 2009.   (The Bellaver’s 33rd wedding anniversary.)

By: Rebecca Hubbs

This piece was purchased through the St. Charles Fine Art Show’s Purchase Award Program.

“Art located within the school is available for viewing by contacting the school ahead of time and setting an appointment.  Normal security measures apply. ”
Lincoln Elementary School Phone Number: 331.228.2500

Photograph Courtesy of the SCAC